Presentations Skill Training and Speech Coaching
Presentations Skill Training and Speech Coaching
Public Speaking Training and Communication Skills Training from Wheless-Wyatt
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A Division of Wheless-Wyatt Communications

Training Executives and Managers to Speak
and Present with Confidence, Clarity, and Purpose


Toll Free: (800) 756-6438 * Phone: (864) 882-9800 * Fax: (864) 882-9833

Wheless-Wyatt Can Play An Important Role

Presentations Skills Training for Executives Workshop

2-day workshop; limit 10

When executives and mid-level managers within your company make presentations inside and outside the organization to promote the image of the company or to develop prospective clients, their purpose is to inform, educate, inspire or persuade. Are they clear? Organized? Concise? Effective? Or do they...

...ramble, droning on and on with no energy or enthusiasm, failing to make their point?
...rely on PowerPoint to be their presentation, not aid it?
...use overheads with too much copy, irrelevant information, print that is too small to read?
...use trite phrases like, "last but not least"?
...leave you or their audience feeling like they have just wasted your time?

Wheless-Wyatt has engaged in presentations coaching with executives, mid-level managers, sales and technical professionals in financial institutions, manufacturing companies, and service industries throughout the United States. The primary goal of our presentations skills training for executives two-day workshop is to:

  • Help participants build confidence in themselves as presenters.

  • Discover how they come across, and how they need to change in order to become more believable, more convincing, more persuasive, and more interesting.

  • Through presentations coaching give them the necessary skills to make that change.

The presentations skill training focuses primarily on communication self awareness, not only as a speechmaker, but perhaps more importantly, discovering how each client comes across to customers, employees, higher level executives, boards, and the public in normal everyday business interactions. From this base, our presentations coaching professionals guide each participant to determine his or her potential for communication growth and improvement and set a course to achieve that potential.

The success and effectiveness of any presentations skills training workshop depend on the trainer's ability to accurately read and respond to the needs of each participant. Although we will be working with a group, we focus on individuals. Our belief is that there is no process that fits everyone. Our goal is to help each person be the most believable presenter he or she can be working with their own unique personalities. For that reason, no two workshops are ever exactly alike.

Contact us to discuss your specific goals....

"All of the executives you have worked with here have improved, in many cases, dramatically. We will be calling on you in the future to make sure that we are continuing to progress."

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